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Audition Requirements

for El Paso Chorale, El Paso Chamber Choir and El Paso Children's Choir

A pianist will be supplied for auditions, if requested.  Please download and fill out audition application. 

Please bring music and application to your audition.  Membership expects attendance at all rehearsals and performances - see rehearsal and performance schedule.  Bios, vitaes and headshot pictures in color are encouraged. 

Do You Miss Singing?



Ten Minutes with Prentice (aka Auditions)

To schedule an interview/audition call: 


915-259-4999 or send email to:


Click here to learn about audition requirements and rehearsal schedule.



El Paso Chorale  

120 Adult Volunteer Singers


El Paso Chamber Choir  

24 Adult Professional Paid Singers 

Rehearsals Mondays 7pm-9:30 begin October 15th

Conductor, Prentice Loftin

El Paso Chamber Choir


Professional Choir - members are paid for rehearsals and performances.


Audition will include:

Performing two contrasting classical songs or arias.

Vocalization to hear range and vocal ability and flexibility. 

Sightreading material supplied at the audition.

Pitch memory testing.


Performance and Rehearsal Fees - $15 per hour

Fees meet standard set for professional choirs by Chorus America

El Paso Choral Society is a member of Chorus America


All successful singers will receive a contract of agreement.


El Paso Chorale


The El Paso Chorale is an adult high quality large volunteer choir that performs the larger choral works.


The El Paso Choral Society has performed many of the standard choral/orchestral works with El Paso Symphony Orchestra, Las Cruces Symphony and Juarez Symphony, and has performed over 30 operas with El Paso Opera.


Audition will include:

Performing a solo of choice with piano accompaniment.

Vocalization to hear range and vocal ability and flexibility. 

Pitch memory testing.



El Paso Children's Choir


In hiatus for the 2018-2019 season.




Join the Guild


Do you want to help choral music thrive in El Paso?


You can be a part of the Choral Society Guild and help with database development, event assistance, and stage management. 


Email to join the Guild.  We'd love to have you!

El Paso Young Ladies Choir singing at the Vatican

Get In Touch

801 N. Mesa

El Paso, Texas 79902

915-259-4999   Phone   l   915-875-1918   Fax

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