El Paso Chorale
120 Adult Volunteer Singers
El Paso Chamber Choir
24 Adult Professional Paid Singers
Rehearsals Mondays 7pm-9:30 begin October 15th
Conductor, Prentice Loftin
Audition Information
Audition Schedule 2019
"Ten Minutes with Prentice" aka Auditions will be held through mid-February for the Verdi Requiem
Audition Requirements
El Paso Chamber Choir
Professional Choir - members are paid for rehearsals and performances
The audition will include:
Performing two contrasting classical songs or arias.
Vocalization to hear range and vocal ability and flexibility.
Sightreading material supplied at the audition.
Pitch memory testing.
Performance and Rehearsal Fees - $15 per hour
Fees meet standard set for professional choirs by Chorus America
El Paso Choral Society is a member of Chorus America
All successful singers will receive a contract of agreement.
El Paso Chorale
The El Paso Chorale is an adult high-quality large volunteer choir that performs the larger choral works.
The audition will include:
Performing a solo of choice with piano accompaniment.
Vocalization to hear range and vocal ability and flexibility.
Pitch memory testing.
To request more information:
Contact Choral Society Office at 915-259-4999
You can also request more information with this form: